
17 November 2013

Change is Imminent, Tutubi, But Not The Travel Lifestyle!

After more than seven years, this travel blog needs some sort of change, probably similar to other blogs' transformation.

Google has been very nice in 2012, the flagship year when traffic went all time high, when Penguin and Panda made this blog popular, even without any effort.

2013 began with dramatic, and still painful Google Image Search rolled out the new interface that took traffic away from publishers (even if they said it's more for the user experience, it's still unfair to picture owners though but who can punish big, mighty Google?)

Still, blog traffic is steady even if update frequency dropped to all time low.

Very late to adopt to social media, Tutubi's making up for lost time but the Facebook Page and Twitter followers all joined from blog traffic, none from promotions.

In spite of the drop in traffic, Backpacking Philippines still is one of the most visited travel blogs in the Philippines :P

After a few months, expect more fresh updates and probably blog promotions, Tutubi is really to busy with life and work.

Please expect positive changes soon.

No details for now...

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