
31 March 2013

Random Acts of Kindness to Strangers and Foreign Tourists

Something for Holy Week and Easter Sunday, even if most people are traveling to the beach but still remembering to observe the true Meaning of Lent, a random sharing of a few Tutubi's travel tales and random acts of kindness to foreigners and Filipinos he met at the airport.

This happened for about a year ago, unblogged but it's nice feeling to help others in need, without expecting something in return to total strangers and foreigners who can spread the word when they get back to their home countries.

Random Act of Kindness #1: The Dutch's Delayed Flight

Tutubi loves exit rows, even if he's of average height, he appreciates the extra legroom.

At one time during a delayed flight from Cebu, though he didn't request for it, the window side exit row was given to him upon check in. There, a lanky Dutch backpacker, probably about 6 feet 5 inches tall (the Dutch are said to be the tallest people in the world), sat beside him.

Tutubi started reading the inflight magazine when the Dutch started to ask him about the destination featured on the magazine, then began to tell tales of his stay in the Philippines and the reason he's coming back- he has a girlfriend in Cebu. He shared many other stuff people don't normally share to strangers. He's also worried of the risk that due to his delayed flight, he might miss his next flight out of Manila to get home to The Netherlands.

On deplaning, he saw the Dutch again waiting for an airport taxi to take him from NAIA Terminal 3 to NAIA Terminal 1 but the airport transfer shuttle bus has not yet arrived and time is running out.

Realizing that the Dutchman may not get to NAIA Terminal 1 in time for his flight, he approached the Dutchman again and offered him a ride in his car to which he accepted due to the urgency and with no airport taxi in sight.

There was slight traffic on Domestic Road near Manila Domestic Airport Terminal but they got to Terminal 1 with less about thirty minutes before his flight's ETD.

He even offered Tutubi PhP500.00 in gratitude, an offer which he refused. It's just about 20 minutes delay in getting home plus less than a liter of diesel fuel burned but it's a great feeling to be of help even to total strangers

How about you, have you any random act of kindness to share?


Coming Up: Random Acts of Kindness #2: Havaianas and The Tale of Tutubi's Tsinelas


  1. awww! touching story. the feeling is hard to explain when you're able to help a stranger without asking or expecting anything in return. Happy Easter! :)

  2. Nice Sharing! :) Keep it up! :) Happy Easter to you and to your family!

  3. Hey what a nice Easter story! More!

  4. That's very kind of you. As a tourist in another strange country, I would need all the help I could get.
