
21 October 2011

Malinawa Cool Spring in Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

A cold natural spring turned into a resort by the local government of Cantilan, Surigao del Sur, listed as a tourist attraction with cottages, shower rooms, (supposedly) overnight accommodations and events venue (weddings, debuts, parties reunions et al).

Visited by Tutubi just to check out the place and rate if it's worth going there:

There's just a big pool of cold water from the natural spring, natural mineral water, no people around when Tutubi got there except for a couple occupying a cottage high up the mountain slope (Tutubi noticed them engaging in some "sexy time" probably due to lack of motel or private space in the area).

Guests are required to pay a minimal entrance fee (P20?) but have to traverse about 1.5 kilometers of unpaved road from the national highway.

Location: Parang, Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Rating: good enough for locals to spend weekends and cool down, not worth the trip for explorers as it's not really easy to get to.

Related Posts on Surigao del Sur and CCMCL (CarCanMadCarLan):

Surigao del Sur Tour


  1. looks quiet and clean - a great place for a romantic hideaway :)

  2. Nice knowing that you had visited our neighboring town of Cantilan which is 2 hours boat ride from Bucas Grande Island.
