
01 March 2010

Free GPS Maps Download: Open Street Map and RoadGuide

Tutubi's got a new toy to take with him on his travels: a Garmin Nuvi 1300 mounted on the dashboard of Sakura (his car's name) or handheld during his recent travels.

Of course, a GPS device won't work properly without a working and updated map of the Philippines.

There currently are two free GPS maps of the Philippines for download:

OpenStreetMap Philippines (OSM) and

There are also commercial Philippine GPS Maps with subscription service (e.g. AVT) but no first-hand information on their accuracy is present.

Tutubi has been using OSM for a few weeks now and been checking accuracy (and if it can really be trusted if you're not familiar with the place you intend to visit. Better to check the place out using a map or satellite imagery from Google maps and/or Wikimapia then use a GPS device (Garmin, Magellan, a Chinese made cheap GPS portable navigators for cars or those 2-DIN head units with GPS capability) as the maps aren't really perfect as of this time but usable.

Open Street Map vs Roadguide?

on the most updated, i still think it depends on the area you're interested in. All I know is that when it comes to my hometown Paete, Laguna, OSM rules (you probably know why and i'm biased for a change). Seriously, I prefer the open stule of OSM vs roadguide (where you need to contribute first before you can get the detailed map). I got into OSM since i got freely and "nagged" the maintainer by a barrage of questions from a newbie mapper. Now, I'm actively contributing to the map.

Use at your own risk, however, if you've found a bug or error, report/correct so that others after you will not be led astray :P

How to get the free GPS maps of the Philippines:
simply download the free GPS maps and follow the instructions on how to install them to your GPS device (e.g. Mapsource for Garmin GPS devices)

Note: GPS map of the philippines is not available for Tomtom, so beware, recommend Garmin Nuvi for beginners.


  1. Thanks a lot for this wonderful post. I just purchased a Garmin 265WT and successfully loaded is with the OSM map which you recommend. You're right, the roadguide version for newbies is just too outdated. I think Roadguide should just simply share their updated map to all interested members to promote the use of GPS devices. Anyway, I'm glad I found this post... thank you

  2. hi.
    i lost my SD card for my GPS for Chevrolet Captiva.
    Need a little help. thanks

  3. this is very interesting. i want to ask if the OSM only works for the garmin? can i also download it and use it with my android tab or iphone? i hope it works. also it may be easier to contribute on the go with a wifi/3g capable device.

  4. unknown, there are many offline maps of OSM that you can use in Appli iPhone, Ipad and Android devices. you can contribute by editing the map at
