
04 July 2009

The Green Lake Bulusan of Sorsogon

Tutubi's trip to Gubat, Sorsogon turned out unexpectedly fun-filled with yet again another unplanned trip to Lake Bulusan high up the mountains that enabled him see with his own eyes the green water of the lake formed out of a giant caldera with the still active Bulusan Volcano in the background.

Bulusan Lake turned out to be very accesible from the town of Bulusan, Sorosogon via a relatively well-paved winding road that took about 30 minutes to navigate from the Bulusan town proper.

Lake Bulusan

Tutubi spent just a few minutes on the lakeshore after taking a few pictures of the lake itself and people frolicking, swimming and rafting on balsa made of bamboo (no kayaks or other water-sports here).

lake bulusan sorsogon

There is a marked trail that invites adventurers, mountain bikers and curious tourists to trek around the lake with a circumference of about five kilometers where you'll encounter old growth forest, tall, possibly centuries-old trees, giant ferns, orchids, wildflowers and other endemic flora and fauna that'll surely delight biologists.

Due to the usual lack of time, Tutubi wasn't able to walk around the lake and instead hopped back to their transport and return to Gubat via Irosin town.


Note: another lake that Tutubi wants to visit someday is Lake Buhi in Camarines Sur, home of the endemic sinarapan (Scientific Name: Mistichthys luzonensis) which is the world's smallest commercial fish

How to get there:

Bulusan Lake can be reached by trekking up the winding road, mountain bike, motorbike or just hire a tricycle in Bulusan town proper to take you there (fare is around PhP150.00 negotiable)


  1. One of my dream destinations in the Philippines. Hopefull by next year, I'll have the chance to visit this place. :D

  2. Unplanned trips are always the best :)

    Look forward to hearing more about the green lake if you go again.

    Quick Hostels

  3. that's a beautiful lake---the different shades of green are pleasing to the eye. too bad you weren't able to walk around and took pictures of the forest. this lake reminds me of the twin lakes in Valencia, Negros Oriental.

  4. pasyalera, i hope to re-visit again in the future and survey wildlife birds butterflies et al

    matt, i love unplanned trips. unexpected things happen and new discoveries

    bing, nicer if i spent longer time there

    luna, the twin lakes of Balinsasayao near Dumaguete. i wasn't able to visit them when i visited Dumaguete a few years ago. i intend to tour negros oriental someday

  5. I didn't know Lake Bulusan is easily accessible. This area should be kept as sylvan as it is now, hopefully.

  6. no kayaks ? sayang. The place looks lovely, pristine and ideal for kayaking !

  7. It is my experience that spontaneous trips are the best ones.

    Ang ganda ng lake. I'm sure very popular yan.

  8. the nomadic pinoy, save for the road and concrete viewdeck, there's no development in the lake. i, too, thought i'd do some sort of trekking to get there but i was wrong

    bw, no kayaks, but you can bring your own probably inflatable. there are no resorts in the lake but there are resorts nearby proably even hot springs like the ones in Irosin

    Photo Cache, it's actually not too popular. it's not much visited and therefore still quite pristine

  9. I was born in Dapdap, Bulusan, Sorsogon but I left my hometown when I graduated in the elementary grades to reside in Manila & Camarines Norte. For the past 30 years, I haven't visited the green lake. But I know that it was one of the world's best. Imagine a lake several thousand feet above sea level. When you take the road down to the town proper of Bulusan, you'll be amazed as you are actually overlooking the sea down below. Some foreign nationals even exclaimed that the green lake of Bulusan is the Switzerland of the Philippines.

  10. Hi! My friend and I are going to Donsol this week. Is Bulusan Lake near Donsol? We are planning to go to Bulusan before heading back to Manila. Thanks.

  11. eloy, quite near to donsol but not really ;P but when you're already in donsol, why not? there's a fork on road from sorsogon city the separates to donsol and going south to bulusan, irosin gubat barcelona et al

  12. bulusan lake now has a kayaing adventure for Php100.00

  13. anonymous, kayaking bulusan lake? now a reason for me to come back there to explore more rather than go there, take a few pictures then leave ;P
