
11 July 2009

Sony Ericsson Spread the Smiles: Filipinos Smile more than Indonesians, Thais, and Malaysians

For folks looking for good news to smile about in and out of the Philippines.

The recently concluded campaign by Sony Ericsson where one peso was donated to United Nations Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) for every smile captured on a camera phone.

Guess what! According to Sony Ericsson corporate vice president Hirokazu Ishizuka, “We launched the Spread the Smiles campaign in four markets—Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand,” he said, adding that over a two-day period, 3,000 smiles were collected in Indonesia, 20,000 in Malaysia and 10,000 in Thailand. And one million smiles in the Philippines,”

Sony Ericsson Spread the Smiles campaign only confirms that The Philippines is the Smile Capital of Southeast Asia, if not of the whole world with lots of Filipinos still smiling even if life's getting harder.

Does this bit of good news made you smile?

For foreign readers, come visit the Philippines, where people take the extra "smile" :P

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