
29 June 2009

Luminous Festival Video: Sydney Opera House in Living Colour!

Like Tutubi, you may be used to seeing the Sydney Opera House in its natural color but an event was currently ongoing in Sydney when Tutubi got there when the sails of the iconic Sydney Opera House were lit by kaleidoscopic colours projected from the Rocks across Sydney Cove and Mrs MacQuarrie's Point across Farm Cove

Sydney Opera House from Sydney Harbour Bridge
Sydney Opera House during the day
Short video of the Luminous Festival: the Lighting of the Sails:

Sydney Luminous festival schedule of activities were handed out to visitors on the days of the festival.

It's nice to see the Sydney Opera House with your own eyes, but it's better to see it in living colour at night!


  1. wow! truly amazing! the colors make the opera house more stunning.

  2. Wow, that is pretty amazing, a psychedellic opera house.

  3. wow! hope i'll be able to see that in the near future :)

  4. Breath taking photos! You know I was in Sidney more than 10 years ago. Now its time for you to visit Norway! As you may see in my last post; right now its bikini seasons - how about that? :-)

  5. Renny, i really hope to visit Norway someday...i really have a veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggggg list of places to see on my list :P

  6. Excellent images..Opera house looks nice in its natural color.
