
03 April 2009

Boracay ATM Locations near White Beach

Need cash badly in Boracay? Borrow from friends or look for an ATM on Boracay's White Beach or from others nearby should you find an offline ATM. Due to Boracay tend to be crowded during Holy Week, expect a few of the ATMs to be off-line due to lack of cash. If your ATM card or debit card has no available funds, you can also use your VISA and Mastercard credit cards to withdraw funds from an ATM, it's called cash advance transaction.

There are 14 ATMs in Boracay where you can withdraw cash:

Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) has four ATMs in Bora, one is beside Boracay Beach Chalet on station 2 beachfront and another inside D'Mall and the others attached to the BPI branch. BPI ATMs accept BancNet, Megalink, Expressnet, Visa Credit Card (cash advance), Plus, Mastercard, Cirrus, Maestro transactions.

Metrobank ATM machine on the main road in Blue Lotus Bldg accepts BancNet, Megalink, Expressnet, Plus, Visa Credit Card (cash advance), Mastercard/Cirrus/Maestro and China Union Pay (CUP, for Hong Kong and China-issued ATM debit cards). To get to the ATM from White Beach, you have to walk to the main road then ride a tricycle or jeep to the Metrobank branch.

Another Metrobank ATM inside D'Mall, and another two cash machines at Boracay Shangri-la Hotel in Barangay Yapak.

Allied Savings Bank has 5 ATM machine on Boracay: on the Allied bank branch on main road near the back entrance of D'Mall accepts BancNet, Megalink, Expressnet, Visa Credit Card (cash advance), Plus and China Union Pay (CUP, for Hong Kong and China-issued ATM debit cards). To get to the ATM from White Beach, you have to walk to the main road then ride a tricycle or jeep to the Allied bank branch. The other Allied Bank ATMs are at Crafts of Boracay Department Store and Plazoleta.

Note: Tutubi has the latest updated database of all ATMs in the Philippines, ask him where to find the ATMs and he'll find the time to query and find the locations, even with GPS coordinates. He posted this information for his friends to stop asking him where are the ATM machines in Boracay. :P

Related Post:
ATM Transaction Fees


  1. M Lhuiler is also available in Boracay! Yeppeee!

  2. the address that you got for metrobank atm on the main road is not updated, they already moved to their new address still at the main road beside jopines store, a few steps away from the gate of balabag elementary school.
