
16 November 2008

EO 758 SVEG “Special Visa for Employment Generation”

In another incentive for foreigners to retire and live in the Philippines by investing “special visa for employment generation” (SVEG) was recently offered as contained in the newly-signed Executive Order No. 758.

When most other visitors to the Philippines are allowed to stay at least 21 days, depending on their nationality, most visas can be extended for up to a year.

Salient points of the SVEG Visa according to Executive Order No. 758:

"Foreigners who employ at least 10 Filipinos can stay in the country indefinitely."

"Qualified non-immigrant foreigners will be extended “multiple entry privileges and conditional extended stay without need of prior departure from the Philippines"

"The privilege will also cover a qualified foreigner’s spouse and unmarried children—legitimate, illegitimate or adopted—below 18 years old."

The SVEG will not legitimize the status of overstaying foreigners and sometimes doing business in the country.

The information application would be coordinated with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)and Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

How to apply for SVEG “special visa for employment generation":

You may visit the Burea of Immigration Office in Intramuros, Manila for details, SVEG Visa fees and requirements e.g. minimum capital required.

Links and Sources:
Bureau of Immigration


  1. I would have not know it you didn't publish this. Thanks,tutubi.This is interesting for my hubby.

  2. I was browsing over the internet for visa assesment procedure and I just happened to notice your post about this SVEG visa. Thank you for the information.
