
25 June 2006

Taxi Woes

With the skyrocketing prices of gasoline and diesel, one can't help but be emphatic with the plight of taxi and jeepney drivers trying who're very much affected with even just a P0.50 increase per liter of that precious fuel.

On my way to Gazebo Royale in Visayas Avenue from Munoz around 10am, we boarded a JR and Mary taxi with plate number PVR894. It was a leisurely drive for just a few minutes.

Upon reaching our destination, the driver immediately turned off the taxi meter and pretended not to give me my change for a hundred peso I gave him. When I asked for my change, he replied that the meter read P102.50 not knowing I saw that it was only P72.50.

Restating it was P102.50 and also said he shouldn't have reset the meter, I countered that P100 can get me as far as Ortigas from Munoz and that we were regular taxi riders. In fact, I can extimate the meter reading even with my eyes closed. He gave me a twenty peso change hesitantly after that.

He's not a member of the batingting brigade, may of whom i also encountered in the past, but i think he judged me wrongly as a boy who'd fall for his cheap trick.

There's a sucker born every minute but I'm definitely not one of them!

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