Tutubi on Manila Bulletin's Blog-O-Rama by Annalyn Jusay
Tutubi, ever the person who shuns the limelight and prefers to be low key, accepted the interview and replied to all questions thrown at him by AJ.

Getting recognized is one thing but Tutubi still prefers to be a faceless blogger, blogging mainly for fun though earning something on the side is a good thing to subsidize his expensive hobby.
Another milestone for this blog, besides the 2nd year anniversary, is the total number of visitors just hit the first 100,000 mark after two years. Note that visits is different from pageloads/pageviews that is almost double that of the unique visitors count. Total unique visitors of this blog per day is steadily increasing also.
Lastly, Tutubi would like to get feedback from RSS readers of this blog if they prefer full or summary only feeds. Tutubi still can't figure out how to configure abbreviated posts similar to the "read me" feature of this blog.
To know more about Tutubi's rants and techie side, you may also visit his alternate blog Paetechie which also open for link exchange :P
Labels: Blogging
posted by GingGoy @ 10:07 PM,
- At Jun 24, 2008, 1:20:00 AM, escape said...
tutubi congratulations! ganda naman talaga ng blog na ito.
more more achievements! - At Jun 24, 2008, 2:38:00 AM, said...
Congratulations on your Blog-o-rama feature! :D
- At Jun 24, 2008, 10:48:00 AM, pusa said...
congratulations tutubi! wow
- At Jun 24, 2008, 11:54:00 AM, Photo Cache said...
tuloy tuloy na yan, pretty soon we'll find out who the real tutubi is. cheers.
- At Jun 24, 2008, 11:55:00 AM, said...
Naks! Si T2 creating a buzz na. hehehe
Link naman dyan sa interview. Can't seem to find the archive from MB online. - At Jun 24, 2008, 1:06:00 PM, GingGoy said...
the dong, thanks...sana more earnings para more places to explore. mahal na kasi travel e
nina, thank you my "neighbor"
pusa, thanks meow!
photo cache, i'm not really anonymous. i have my name printed on some old pictures here plus pictures of me somewhere on a few posts :P
ferdz, the interview is not yet online. I'm not really going to post something about this if not for a friend who "coerced" me to blog about it :P - At Jun 24, 2008, 1:10:00 PM, Kyels said...
[: - At Jun 24, 2008, 3:37:00 PM, atto aryo said...
uy! kasama ka na sa bigtime, celebrity bloggers. pa autograph! :-)
- At Jun 24, 2008, 8:39:00 PM, Jasper said...
i saw this weeks ago on paper. congrats!
- At Jun 25, 2008, 1:29:00 PM, said...
hi!! congrats... sayang inquirer kasi newspaper ko... sana nakita ko. di bale hanap ako ng copy kahit late na. :) excited ako mabasa yon.. Keep it up! :)
- At Jun 25, 2008, 9:12:00 PM, GingGoy said...
jasper, so nakita mo na pala
wena,i have a copy at home kept safely for posterity :P - At Jun 26, 2008, 3:51:00 AM, Shoshana said...
This is fantastic! I was just admiring your header. Where is it taken?
- At Jun 26, 2008, 8:22:00 AM, said...
Thank you for visiting and commenting on my website!!!
- At Jun 26, 2008, 8:23:00 AM, said...
Thank you for commenting and visiting my website!!!
- At Jun 26, 2008, 11:33:00 AM, said...
wow congrats ang galing! will check it out online soon =)
- At Jun 26, 2008, 8:48:00 PM, said...
CONGRATULATIONS! I make it a point to look into your blog before I travel. keep it up! :D
- At Jun 26, 2008, 10:12:00 PM, GingGoy said...
shoshana,the header's taken on Calaguas Island :P
nomadic matt,thanks for returning my visit...
carlotta1924, no online version even up to this time
freeze, thanks - At Jun 27, 2008, 7:18:00 AM, said...
Congratulations bro ! It is a well deserved recognition :)
- At Jun 28, 2008, 3:34:00 PM, pieterbie said...
Hey, teriffic, great piece of recognition!
- At Jun 30, 2008, 4:08:00 PM, Toe said...
Congratulations Tutubi! Well-deserved. Your posts are very informative and really show the best of the Philippines and your photos are awesome!
- At Jun 30, 2008, 11:24:00 PM, Sidney said...
Congrats, tutubi !!!
Well deserved!
Keep going.
Best regards from Belgium! :-) - At Jul 2, 2008, 7:36:00 PM, lagal[og] said...
congrats bro! hmm, the blogger's predicament - to be faceless and yet be known, hahaha
- At Jul 8, 2008, 9:39:00 PM, LilyoftheValley said...
Hi tutubi,
really like the site, very helpful... thumbs up!!!
always consult thesite wheneveri thought of any place and that might get any tips here...actually was just checking here about legaspi city... - At Aug 11, 2008, 12:12:00 PM, said...
congratulations! :-)
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